Equipment/what to bring
A flat collar with ID tag.
A lead - 4 to 6 feet in length and ideally with a clip at each end.
A harness - ideally a front clip, Y front type like Perfect Fit, Mekuti, Copenhagen dog.
Lots of treats!
Poo bags.
A blanket or bed for your dog to lie on.
Your dog’s water bowl.
Your dog’s vaccination certificate (to be presented at your first lesson)
A toy (no balls or squeakies please!).
Optional but we’ll probably try to persuade you because we think they help…
A clicker if you use one - we are all for clicker training at FiDoes and dogs are perfectly able to distinguish “their” click, even in a class full of clicker trainers!
A treat bag. Your treats need to be easily accessible - you want to be able to reward your dog the INSTANT he does something marvellous and you can’t do that if you’re rummaging in a pocket which contains a polythene bag which contains the treats…
We do not allow:
Full Choke/check chains
Slip leads
Shock collars
Prong collars
“Pet Corrector” or water sprays
Rattle bottles/cans
Any type of harsh handling.
Please make use of the antibac gel provided.
Keep at least 2m away from other people/dogs at all times.
Please keep dogs on lead at all times unless specifically told otherwise.
Your dog remains your responsibility at all times.
Please pick up your dogs poo (if you’ve forgotten to bring poo bags we have plenty!) and take it home with you.
Please present your dogs vaccination certificate the first time you attend classes/121s.
No bitches in season please - you are welcome to attend your class without your dog so you know what to practice at home.
You must disclose if your dog has a history of aggressive behaviour towards other dogs or people before attending classes/121s.
Any accidents of any sort involving either dogs or people must be reported to your trainer.
Please ask before touching/using FiDoes equipment so that we can ensure items are washed/sanitised in between uses.
We can provide water for your dog, however please bring his own bowl to minimise the risk of doggy diseases being spread.